Author: Ashish Mathur

Perform different calculations in the Subtotal/Grand Total column of a Pivot Table


Visualise a Pivot Table with a few Fields dragged in the Report filter, Row labels and Value Area section.  In the Column labels are two fields, Month and then Year – so in the column labels, for every month, there is data for three years 2005, 2006 and 2007.  For some months, there is data […]

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Compute year wise weighted average on a large dataset


Assume a dataset with a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) [appearing in one column] data for years ranging from 1985 to 2010 for 114 countries.  This dataset has 170,000 rows of data and one row below the last row for every country, there is a total of the KPI column.  So, if there are 25 rows […]

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Remove abbreviations appearing before a name


Assume there is a list of names appearing in range A2:A9.  Before these names, there are abbreviations such as Dr., Mr. Mrs. etc.  To worsen the situation, there may/may not be a space after the abbreviation.  A sample dataset may look like this: Mr.Ramakrishna Mr Ramakrishna Mr. Ramakrishna MrRamakrishna PhD.Saurav Dr (Mrs.) Indu Sharma Dr. (Mr) […]

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Append data from alternate columns of the same table


On the Data worksheet, data for payments received from different customers is shown invoice wise.  Since payments are received in tranches, they are shown in different columns – column C and D show dates and amounts received in the first tranche respectively and column E and F show dates and amounts received in the second […]

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Compute “running total in” across years in a Pivot Table


Assume quantity sold date by date and City in a three column database.  The objective is to determine year wise, month wise and City wise running total of quantity sold in a Pivot Table. The issue which will arise with generating this result in a Pivot Table will be that the Show Values As > Running […]

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Story telling with Excel Power BI


With Power Business Intelligence (BI) tools of Excel 2013, one can metamorphose raw data and/or results of complex calculations into stunning and interactive visualizations.  Power View (one of the four components of Power BI) allows one to create a PPT like flow in Excel thus allowing one to weave a story.  To be able to interact with/create visualizations, […]

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Compute configuration count using Set Theory and Venn Diagrams


Assume a table which lists attendees for a Company’s Annual day function.  In this Table, data for every attendee is shown on a separate row so if an employee attends the function with his/her spouse and three children, then there will be 5 rows for that employee. The question is to determine the count of the following family configuration: […]

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Append data from two worksheets with different structures


Assume a file with two worksheets.  The first worksheet has data in column A:H (8 columns) and the second one has data from B:J (9 columns).  One may want to create a third worksheet with specific columns of data appended from both worksheets – the columns to be shown in the third worksheet are not  […]

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Perform a lookup with inexact text strings and/or spelling mistakes


Any lookup function i.e., VLOOKUP(), LOOKUP(), INDEX()/MATCH(), HLOOKUP() requires the text lookup variable (the first input of the VLOOKUP(), HLOOKUP() etc. ) to be spelled exactly the same as the entries in the lookup column.  If the spelling does not match, the result is #NA.  To some extent, inexact searches can be performed by concatenating wildcard […]

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Perform a Variance Analysis within a Pivot Table


Assume that a tabular database shows Year wise, month wise. Account and Activity wise expenditure under difference Expenditure heads.  While it is easy to drag columns inside a Pivot Table to analyse data, one may want to compute the Account wise and Activity wise Variance between May and August for all expense types except two. If […]

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