Any lookup function i.e., VLOOKUP(), LOOKUP(), INDEX()/MATCH(), HLOOKUP() requires the text lookup variable (the first input of the VLOOKUP(), HLOOKUP() etc. ) to be spelled exactly the same as the entries in the lookup column. If the spelling does not match, the result is #NA. To some extent, inexact searches can be performed by concatenating wildcard characters (? and *) to the lookup variable.
The task is to increase MS Excel’s tolerance towards spelling mistakes and inexact text matches across two tables. For e.g., when performing a lookup, somehow MS Excel should be able to understand the Delhi City is the same as City, Delhi. In order to perform, inexact searches, you can download and install Microsoft’s Fuzzy lookup add-in from here.
I have run this add-in on two live datasets in this workbook.
Perform a lookup with inexact text strings and/or spelling mistakes